A year 1937. I'm taking the field! As separate groups we left Moscow and went to Leningrad. We appeared on Leningrad port by steam-ship "Andrey Zhdanov". "Andrey Zhdanov" went on a route Leningrad-Antwerp-Havre. From Havre we had taken a direction to Paris.
On December, 30th we have arrived to Port Bou, the first located in one and a half kilometers from the French border the small town captured by a flame of national-revolutionary war.
Our group of the Soviet volunteers consisted in basic from the pilots and translators, the Spanish friends have met very hospitably, with hospitality peculiar to them and heat of which sincerity each of us in the further was convinced during all stay in this country.
The government of Spain has addressed to the Soviet command with the request to allocate two volunteers - skilled commanders of submarines. The commander of one of them captain-lieutenant Ivan Burmistrov, and by the second - the captain of 3-rd rank Nikolay Egipko has been appointed. Commands of boats should consist of Spaniards completely. It was supposed to Ivan Burmistrov to appoint me. Forthcoming appointment excited me. On fleet I never served.
Soon I have been accepted by A.Golovko with whom we have discussed the organizational questions connected with my appointment on a submarine. Unlike the majority of our translators I was enlisted by the order in structure of crew of the submarine consisting exclusively from Spaniards, Arseny Golovko has thought up for me the Spanish name - Antonio Gonzales. So I as a translator became an aide-de-camp of the commander of a submarine "C-4" the Spanish republican navy fleet and have soon received the certificate in which was mentioned that I am "teniente de navio" (the lieutenant of fleet).
And here we are in Cartagena, one of the oldest cities of Spain.
At once after arrival in Cartagena we began to get acquainted with our naval councils. Day when I have met the future commander - captain-lieutenant I. Burmistrov at last has come. I have fairly admitted to it, that I not the seaman. It has grinned and ободряюще has told: " Means, with me receive baptism of fire!".
Days of my stay in Cartagena were very intense. I didn't want to show the Spanish seamen that the person appointed to the commander of a submarine "C-4" aide-de-camp is not an expert on the underwater ships. It was necessary, as more as possible to study completely the submarine, to understand a principle of action of all mechanisms, to remember the Spanish names.
The duties of aide-de-camp translator on a submarine were very wide. First of all he should not forget that he is not simply translator, but the officer of republican fleet. In his duties included translation to seamen sometimes very complex explanations of the commander during classes on preparation and analysis of separate operations and fighting campaigns. He should help the commander with his all undertakings directed on strengthening of discipline among crew prompting of the due technical sequence on a boat. Later my duties were more extended, it was necessary sometimes to replace directly the commander on separate fighting posts.
In Barcelona the order of transition of boats from France to Cartagena has been specified.
Soon the day of departure to France has come. The boat stood at a wall on Garonne. At once after the arrival of I. Burmistrov with me and accompanied by was Spanish officers has bypassed a boat.
In the beginning of April, 1938 there was a decision to accelerate an output of the boat in the sea. In coordination with the Spanish command it was necessary to consider break of a boat through strait of Gibraltar as the main purpose.
Repair of boats "C-2" and "C-4" has been finished.
Special value was given to preservation in secret the dates of planned operation. Day of the beginning of transition I. Burmistrov has decided to declare nobody.
After communication with coast for the night has been stopped, I. Burmistrov has called to him all officers and has ordered to warn the crew that with a dawn the boat leaves on tests.
In the morning on I.Burmistrov's command the gangway has been lifted, the boat has given швартовы, have idling earned a diesel engine, the case of a boat has shaken, and here in surface position it has started to leave Garonne slowly. In these hours still anybody from the members of crew did not know that the fighting campaign has begun.
Ivan Burmistrov orders to collect all officers in a wardroom. I understand that now it will be declared that we are not going to come back in Bordeaux and have headed for Gibraltar. In short speech which I translated into the Spanish language without superfluous explanations the commander has informed that under the order of the Spanish command "C-4" has headed for Cartagena.
My first underwater campaign has begun.
We have to follow along the territory of Spain, which was occupied by rebels by their bases of navy fleet and aircraft. We should pass by San Sebastian, Bilbao, Santander, Gijon, El Ferrol, Corunna and Vigo. Then there was not less dangerous zone of Portugal coast and further again Spanish coast up to the strait of Gibraltar.
However to hide our output in the sea for a long time was not possible.
Here there was the first, but rather significant trouble. Our radio operator has asked to transfer that it does not manage to establish communication with Cartagena. We went without fires trying to keep aloof of the international lines.
I stood on the bridge of a submarine and distinctly distinguished a phosphorescing trace left by the ship. This trace could give out to planes a place of our finding.
The second day of transition was even more disturbing. At emersion on periscopic depth the Ivan Burmistrov who has taken up running watch has found out that the horizontal periscope has failed, it has filled in with water. Having jumped out on the bridge at the next emersion, I.Burmistrov noticed in several cable lengths from the boat a military ship, obviously Portuguese.
Having given a command of urgent immersing, Ivan Burmistrov nearly has not remained on the bridge and could be easily washed off by a wave as has unexpectedly slammed the top hatch. It managed to be opened quickly owing to my command which has suspended literally on a share of second immersing. Danger was great. At urgent immersing untimely closing of the hatch can result in people's death.
Having gone down in the central post, wet but cheerful I.Burmistrov, having embraced me strongly and has exclaimed: "Well, like was born anew!"
Having immersed on 30 meters we have heard noise of screws of the ship going above us.
Has passed about an hour, emersion has gradually begun, went on periscopic depth.
I was on the watch on central post more confident. While we went by northern coast of Spain we heard a command from the bridge - full ahead. Urgent immersing! In spite of the fact that there has not come yet a dawn, above us there was a plane, which has made a semicircle. Probably it was by accident.
In the evening when the darkness came, we have approached to strait of Gibraltar. In an exclusive pressure we passed strait of Gibraltar. We were ready to drop from the weariness, more than nine days we did not sleep. We wanted to drink, but appetite completely was gone.
Everyone was exulted. We have broken! In a staff everybody, without receiving from us any data did not know what to think. Fortunately, our comrades in Cartagena having received the message from Bordeaux not to lose hope for success of our transition and have managed to adjust necessary supervision over the approach of the boat "C-4" to base. They waited for us.
In some days later there has arrived also the boat "C-2", it is undergone too a lot of difficulties in a way. Our comrades still long were interested in details of these two complex and dangerous campaigns.
For some time I continued to bear service on a submarine, watched its repair, then they have translated me on coast.
Together with Nikolay Ilyin we were adjusting torpedoes.
In purpose of increasing fighting capacity of republican fleet was accepted a decision to lead complex, but absolutely necessary work on restoration for each available torpedo of the data card with individual characteristics. Nikolay Ilyin and I were on specially equipped range located approximately in seven miles from Cartagena. It was necessary to work many hours without rest.
After all available torpedoes at the disposal of republican command fleet received necessary data cards; I carried out a number of tasks. Among the most responsible and dangerous tasks was a participation in a campaign from Cartagena to Barcelona on one of torpedo boats. Transition was of great importance for Spanish republics. It should provide movement of available state stocks of gold and silver from Cartagena. I admit that I have been amazed by quantity of these stocks.
Transition has passed safely. However it was necessary not to sleep some nights. For this purpose everybody who kept watch brought strong black coffee, sometimes even with cognac. Troubles have begun only after arrival in Barcelona. It was necessary to go through aim bombardment of enemy planes. It was terrible to be on the ship shivering from broken off bombs. Even it is more terrible, than that, when I have gone through the transition on the submarine when fired bombs at it.
As soon as the air strike has ended military seamen and the fighters who have arrived on the ships of a coast guard have urgently started to overload the transported ingots.
When we finished that task, we have returned to Cartagena.
In the autumn of 1938 I have returned to Moscow. What happiness to be in the Homeland!
On November, 14th, 1938 under the request of the Spanish command Ivan Burmistrov received the rank of the Hero of Soviet Union for successful break on a submarine through strait of Gibraltar by the Presidium decree of Supreme Soviet of the USSR. It was the first seaman of Navy fleet of the USSR awarded this rank.
I repeatedly specified that my life is so lucky. In essence, basic my tutors, certainly except my parents, were those remarkable people with whom I could meet and work. They were С.Kirov, I.Gaza, N.Nionov, N.Voronov and I want add to them Ivan Burmistrov's nice name.