After returning to Moscow we had a rest on a situated near Moscow summer residence, we have made detailed written reports, later the motor vehicle has been sent for us, which has delivered us in Main intelligence service. We have been invited to reception to the deputy chief of the Main intelligence service of Joint Staff RKKA general-lieutenant Gendin.
We have shortly reported the duties executed by us in Spain, have answered numerous questions and we were going to leave a cabinet. Unexpectedly Gendin has asked me to stay: "Anatoly, we have studied the received responses about your fighting activity in Spain Е They were rather positive Е you are characterized as accurately, competent, vigorous, initiative and capable to risk own life in the name of faultless performance of the duties in the most risky complex situations. Having studied these responses, we have decided to suggest remaining you on service in the device of our Management. This offer is interfaced to an opportunity of your continuation of work on our line directly abroad that sharply differs from all kinds of works carried out by you till now ".
No, I thought, if divisional commander on behalf of command offers me new work, I have no moral right to reject it! I should refuse all plans for the future and agree with this offer. Having hesitated a little and agreed.
Commanders specially allocated in these purposes have started to prepare me for work on a radio transmitter and on a radio receiver. I should well know Morse key for the fastest transfer of radio signals. In opinion of the brigade commander Bronin for me it was more important to become proficient in process of cryptographic work. Process of working with cryptographic code I have mastered precisely and quickly. One of the difficulties was the question of forthcoming legalization. The scout should know well the country, that city where under the passport he was born, the history, the culture, the literature, the customs and language.
In the Library of V.Lenin I tried to fill up knowledge regarding my Уnative landФ - Uruguay.
Before the termination of preparation in Moscow, on the Day of Red army, in the Main intelligence service some УcivilianФ workers have been sworn an oath. Among them also was I.
In April, 1939 I have crossed the Finnish border. Finland was the first country which I should visit outside Soviet Union.
Some days I have spent getting acquainted with the capital of Finland and others areas of the country. In Helsinki I have made a tour of the city, have spend one Sunday that has enabled to get acquainted with habits of the population. It was possible to visit a wood. I was amazed by the order reigning there.
Quickly the time had passed in the country unfamiliar for me. In a bureau of branch УIntouristФ I have booked a ticket aboard the plane on which I should make flight from Finland to Sweden.
Going to leave Finland, I have drawn for myself a conclusion that here I had been admitted a number of mistakes. УRich HispanicФ from first day should employ the guide capable in detail acquaint with the country and people, customs and traditions. Therefore, henceforth I have decided not to repeat the mistakes and to be in that case more practical.
In the plane of the Swedish airlines were not enough passengers, about fifteen people. Basically there were elderly people, by their appearance, by a manner to keep themselves I have understood that they were businessmen. It was the beginning of studying the society new to me which I should adjoin.
Fellow travellers of the plane, not suspecting have set me thinking: whether I can, the young guy (and many had told that IТm looking younger than 26 years) to become too the businessman, the representative of a foreign business concern? It was very difficult to me to imagine it.
From air the capital of Sweden Stockholm seemed to be the small city, completely hidden in verdure gardens and parks.
Again IТm alone in the suite of the first class hotel.
Previously I have asked the duty manager about an opportunity to provide time of my staying in Sweden with the competent guide, knowing one of three languages: French, German or my УnativeФ Spanish.
I liked the guide and despite of some coldness at the beginning of the meeting our relationship became very friendly.
For me as the future businessman everything was important to learn, first of all about a national economy, what is exported and what is imported.
In Sweden I have managed to consider the mistakes admitted before. Firstly, and the most important, owing to the guide I have not bad familiarized with history of the country, its capital, have managed not fully, but partially to contact with local population, to study somewhat from customs of Swedes.
I have decided that in Norway and the Netherlands IТll stay not for long. Having familiarized with Oslo shortly, I shall get the ticket for a steamship for crossing to the Netherlands where I shall stay for minimal time.
In Paris I should carry out task - to meet with the signalman and to exchange my Mexican passport on Uruguayan.
In Paris landing of the plane has passed normally.
In the hotel where suite has been already reserved all speaking in the majority in English and Spanish languages. I managed to learn that in that hotel like to stay visitors from the USA and the countries of Latin America. Really right at the beginning of my illegal work there was one more mistake which could lead to a failure?
At the appointed time I have hastened on the first meeting with the signalman. The place has been appointed on suburb of Paris. Having approached to the specified place I have seen the УsnackbarФ. Only drivers used to be there, because there was a terminal point of shuttle buses. At once everybody has paid attention to me. Nobody appeared.
Early in the morning in streets of Paris began to wait for a duplicating meeting. Soon I have seen the man, holding in the hands the caused magazine. We have come nearer and have exchanged passports.
Already being an УUruguayanФ citizen Vincente Sierra, I have directed on the railway station.
Having calmed down from gone through as a result of the admitted mistakes, I have gone to Belgium.
The train Paris-Bruxelles has arrived to the capital of Belgium.
Bruxelles should become for me for uncertain time the basic shelter, a place, which provided my full legalization.